Privacy Policy

We endeavour to protect your privacy and make your purchase comfortable and profitable as well as secure. This section provides all necessary information concerning the protection of privacy and the use and processing of data. This document also contains the information regarding your rights and options you have in connection with personal data processing.

Basic information about us:

The Controller of is:

Expresta s.r.o.
Martina Granca 3615/15
84102 Bratislava
Company ID: 43954782
VAT ID: SK2022532600

Should you have any questions, feel free to contact us at:

The data we collect:

Data necessary for order processing. Otherwise it would not be possible to produce your order and deliver it to you. Those data are for example your name, surname, company name, company ID, e-mail, delivery address, phone number.

If you are going to make payment electronically, you will provide all your personal data concerning the payment directly to the bank. The payment can be made after you are redirected to your bank’s webpage. Your bank will notify us whether the payment has been successful or not. The bank never provides us with any data such as an account balance, login data, card numbers etc. Therefore, no need to be concerned about electronic payments.

Registration (a customer account) is automatically obtained by making the first purchase, signing up or contacting us. You thus gain an access to your account where you may find your invoices, an overview of your order and designs you have created on our website. The customer account also contains your personal data which you filled in when making your first purchase/contact, and you may rectify them anytime.

While you are using our services, we collect data about the way you use them, such as reviews you give us, or messages you send to us via a form. We also collect data about a device you used to visit our website (a cell phone, a tablet, a laptop) to be able to optimize our web pages for your device so that you can visit our website without any errors or high volume of data transmitted.

The use of data:

Using the data we collect we are able to deliver products to you and produce them as well as keep the books and send you an invoice. We do so in accordance with the Commercial Terms & Conditions.

We further use the data for creating the customer account for you to always have an overview of your orders and invoices at your disposal.

We use your contact data to notify you of a status of your order and to deliver it to you as well as for the purpose of establishing a complaints procedure.

We use the data we obtain also to improve our services and carry out promotional activities. For example, data about the history of your purchases help us to display recommended products and offer you relevant discounts only.

If you give us your consent upon order, we also use the data to do other marketing activities such as sending promotional emails containing interesting facts about our products, print options and discounts on our products.

We may conduct profiling to create segmentation for marketing purposes. We do that to ensure that our clients receive relevant offers and advertisement. Segmentation is carried out based on products that have been purchased. So if you have purchased wedding products, we will not send you offers on corporate products but only the ones that are relevant for you.

Security and protection:

We use the data to ensure the security of services provided for the compliance with requirements laid down by national and other authorities supervising our activities, and to assert our claims.

Cookies and Facebook pixel:

Cookies are small bits of data that make it easier for users to browse web pages. Thanks to cookies, your login data and other acts which simplify your purchase and browsing are remembered. By using cookies, we try to understand what you find interesting at our web page to be able to improve it. Cookies also are a tool which records a number of visits of our web page and subordinate webpages.

Among other things, cookies also protect against unauthorized login into your account and ensure the functioning of a purchase basket.

Our suppliers of analytical systems anonymize cookies, including Google Analytics which shows number of visits.

Facebook pixel works in a similar way like Cookies. It is a tool collecting bits of data about users’ behaviour at a given web page. We use that tool to improve our services and increase the relevance of our advertisement. Doing so, we are able offer quality services and interesting advertisement to you

Cookies data protection options:

Internet browser setting – a majority of browsers uses basic setting accepting cookies. However, the browser can be set to not allow to use (save and download) cookies of our web page.

Legal terminology:

In accordance with legal requirements for personal data protection, we hereby inform you about a legal basis for the processing.
  1. Performance of a contract
    A contract is made by ordering the goods, by expressing your interest by phone, via email, online, in person or in witting.
  2. Consent
    Your consent is granted voluntarily without duress, for example, a consent with the Commercial Terms & Conditions.
  3. Compliance with our legal obligations
    We are obliged to store data about your order due to national and other authorities, inspections or disputes, and for the purpose of book-keeping, which is obligatory under the law.
  4. Our legitimate interest
    We have an interest in improving our services to increase your satisfaction. We use personalization, do marketing activities and ensure data protection for those purposes. We always consider whether those data are necessary, and we only process them if they are.

Disclosing the data to third persons:

We disclose the data to third persons upon request based on reasonable grounds only, respecting your privacy and observing the law.

The third persons may require some data they necessarily need for their activity.

For the needs of shipment and delivery of the goods:

- Slovenská pošta, a.s., Partizánska cesta 9, 975 99 Banská Bystrica, Company ID: 36631124

- GLS General Logistics Systems Slovakia s.r.o., Lieskovská cesta 13, 962 21 Lieskovec, Company ID: 36624942

- Slovak Parcel Service s.r.o., Senecká cesta 1, 900 28 Ivanka pri Dunaji, Company ID: 31329217

- DHL Express (Slovakia), spol. s r. o., M. R. Štefánik Airport 820 01 Bratislava, Company ID: 31342876

For marketing purposes and for the purpose of improving our services:

- Bloomreach SK s.r.o., Staromestská 3, 811 03 Bratislava, Company ID: 50017560 (online marketing and analytics)

- Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland (online marketing and analytics)

- Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Dublin, Ireland (online marketing and analytics)

For other purposes:

- Quality Unit, s. r. o., Vajnorská 100/A, 831 04 Bratislava, Company ID: 35908301 (telephone, online chat)

- Amazon Web Services, Inc., 410 Terry Ave North, Seattle, WA 98109-5210, US, (servers reserved for us within the EU)

On legal grounds, we also disclose the data to other persons if we are obliged to do so under legal regulations, upon request of national and other authorities, or in order to assert our claims or conduct our defence in proceedings against us, for example in front of courts, inspection national authorities, auditors, accountants.

We do not transfer your data to countries outside the EU. Our partners may make such transfers, though. Google Ireland Ltd. may transfer data to the USA. Our partners are obliged to observe US-EU Privacy Shield protecting your personal data on a reasonable level.

We protect your data:

Protecting your data is in our own interest. In accordance with legal requirements, we implement all necessary measures to ensure that your data are stored safely and protected against abuse. We store electronic data on servers of Amazon Web Services, Inc. reserved exclusively for us, and we protect your data against leak, damage, destruction, loss or abuse.

We process your data applying anonymisation and encryption, protecting them against abuse. We implement technical and organizational measures to protect your data against leak. An access to your data is limited to a specific activity.

The period for which your data are stored:

Your data will be stored for the period necessary for activities which make the ordering process easier for customers, and for the period necessary for marketing purposes and for the purposes arising on legal grounds. Your data may be removed or rectified except for the data which we must store to fulfil our legal obligations.

Your rights:

You have multiple rights concerning the processing of personal data. If you exercise any of the following rights, we will inform you about a result within 30 days. In justified cases, such a request may be complied with within a period of more than 30 days. We will notify you as the case may be.

You may exercise your rights at the email address:

Right of access to data

You have the right to request a confirmation whether your personal data are being processed or not. If your personal data are processed by us, you have a right to request the information what data we process, a reason for which we do so, whom we have provided them to, whether we have provided them to a country outside the EU or not, a time for which we store your data.

Right to rectification

If you believe or assume that we have incorrect data concerning you, you have the right to have them rectified. You may rectify them through your customer account which has been created for you upon your first order. If needed, you may contact us to request rectification at, and we will rectify them.

Right to erasure (‘to be forgotten’)

You have a right to have the data processed by us erased where the given data do not make an exception stipulated by the law, for example, data necessary for book-keeping, which is prescribed by law, and where one of the following grounds applies:
  1. The data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected.
  2. You withdraw your consent with the processing of your personal data we have obtained from you, and where there is no other legal ground for the processing.
  3. You object to the processing of your personal data processed based on the legitimate interest, or you object to the processing for the purpose of direct marketing based on a specific situation that concerns directly you, and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing, for example legislative grounds.
  4. The personal data have been unlawfully processed.

The personal data that have been made publicly available – where your personal data have been made public and you request the erasure of your personal data, the personal data concerned will be erased. We will request our partners who received your personal data to erase them from their databases. The recipients of your data are obliged to erase them if it is technically feasible taking account of available technology and the cost of implementation.

If you close your user account, we will erase your data if it is possible as long as your data are not necessary for the compliance with legislation, for example on the grounds of book-keeping, or where there are no other grounds for storing the data preventing us from erasing them.

Right to restriction of processing

You have the right to obtain from us restriction of processing for a limited period where one of the following applies:
  1. You assume that we have incorrect personal data concerning you. Restriction will take place until the accuracy of your personal data is restored.
  2. The processing is unlawful and you oppose the erasure of the personal data and request the restriction of their use instead.
  3. We no longer need your personal data for the purposes of the processing, but they are required by you for the exercise of your legal claims
  4. You have objected to the processing of your personal data.

Right to data portability

You have the right to receive your personal data, which we process based on your consent and (or) the contract, and the processing is carried out by automated means. We are obliged to provide you with the data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. You may also have the data transmitted to a third party. If it is technically feasible, we will transfer the data upon your request directly to a controller of your choice.

Right to object

You have the right to object against the processing of your personal data for the purpose of direct marketing. You have the right to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, to personal data processing which is based on our legitimate interest including profiling based on our legitimate interest.

Submission of complaints

If you assume that the processing of your personal data contradicts the laws, you have the right to lodge a complaint to the Office for Personal Data Protection of the Slovak Republic. In case that you live abroad, you have the right to submit a complaint to a local supervisory authority. A contact to the supervisory authority of the Slovak Republic is here, a contact to the supervisory authority of the Czech Republic is here, a contact to the supervisory authority of Austria is here.

Answers to frequently asked questions are here.