// VARIABLES BASE_URL = `https://www.expresta.eu`; BASE_URL_HTTPS = `https://www.expresta.eu`; ORDER_URL = `https://www.expresta.eu/order`; EXJS_CONFIG = {"socket_session_key":"EXJSSOCSESSID","expressprint_js_conn_url_3004":"https:\/\/nj3004.expresta.com","expressprint_js_conn_url_3005":"https:\/\/nj3005.expresta.com"}; DEFAULT_IMPOSITION_BLEED = 2.5; ROUNDING = 2; SAFE_ZONE = 2.5 // TRANSLATIONS T_PRICE_NEXT_CALCULATION_BUTTON_CONTENT = `Please click the CALCULATE button for proceeding to the next step.`; T_NEXT_CUSTOMER_ORDER_BUTTON_CONTENT = `Please, click the button \"Validate VAT ID\" at the bottom of the form, before you proceed to the next step.`; T_FIELD_ERROR_MAXLENGTH = `Please enter less amount of characters`; T_FIELD_ERROR_REQUIRED = `This field is required`; T_FIELD_ERROR_EMAIL_FORMAT = `Invalid format`; T_FIELD_ERROR_ZIP = `The submitted post-code does not exist.`; T_FIELD_ERROR_PASSWORD = `You must enter a stronger password!`; T_FIELD_ERROR_PHONE = `Must contain 6 to 20 numbers`; T_FIELD_ERROR_MIN_NUMBER = `The minimum size is 30 mm`; T_FIELD_ERROR_MIN_NUMBER_STICKER = `Minimal size is 10 mm`; T_FIELD_ERROR_PASSWORD_LENGTH = `You must enter a stronger password!`; T_FIELD_ERROR_PASSWORD_NOT_MATCH = `New password and password confirmation do not match!`; T_FIELD_ERROR_MAX_OTHER_SIZE = `Size must be less than 100000`; T_FIELD_ERROR_MIN_AMOUNT = `Quantity must be greater than or equal to 1`; T_FIELD_ERROR_MAX_AMOUNT = `Quantity must be less then or equal to 1000000`; T_FIELD_ERROR_NUMBER = `Quantity must be a number`; T_FIELD_ERROR_PHONE_OR_EMAIL_REQUIRED = `Please fill in your phone number or e-mail address.`; T_EMAIL_CHECK_ALERT_TITLE = `Have you entered your email address correctly?`; T_EMAIL_CHECK_ALERT = `Email is our main way to communicate. We will notify you by email of any important changes to your order, so it is important that you enter it correctly.`; T_VAT_NUMBER_CHECK_ALERT_TITLE = `Manual verification required`; T_VAT_NUMBER_CHECK_ALERT = `It was not possible to verify the validity of your VAT ID automatically. Please, proceed with your order your VAT ID will be later verified manually.`; T_PASSWORD_CHECK_ALERT_TITLE = `You must enter a stronger password!`; T_PASSWORD_CHECK_ALERT = `To make your password stronger: `; T_MM = `mm`; T_CM = `cm`; T_IMAGE_STARTING_PROCESS = `Starting processing`; T_IMAGE_CONVERTING_PROCESS = `Processing page`; T_IMAGE_RESIZING_PROCESS = `Adjusting page size`; T_IMAGE_FINALIZING_PROCESS = `Finishing processing`; T_PDF_SUCCESSFUL_UPLOAD = `Your design has been successfully uploaded`; T_H_ERROR_AMOUNT_RANGE = `The specified number is out of range. Contact us (by phone or email) and we will be happy to change the number of pieces.`; T_MM_TO_PX = `%value1% mm equals %value2%px`; T_CUT_AREA = `Cut area`; T_SAFE_AREA = `text safe zone`; T_UPLOAD_RESET = `It is necessary to upload your files again, because some of the parameters have been changed.`; T_UPLOAD_ERROR = `An error occurred while uploading your document. Please, proceed with your order. It is possible to sent us your files by an e-mail at info@expresta.eu`; T_UPLOAD_TYPE_ERROR = `The format of the selected file is not supported. Please, upload your file as {extensions}.`; T_UPLOAD_SIZE_ERROR = `The file is too large. The size limit is {sizeLimit}. You are advised to finish the order without uploading the file and then contact us,so we can discuss the possibility of sending your file on an e-mail or find another solution.`; T_UPLOAD_TOO_MANY_ERROR = `To many items have been uploaded. Limit for the item is 1`; T_DESIGN_UPLOAD_TOO_MANY_ERROR = `Too many files uploaded. The limit is 60 files. If you need more files, please upload the files as one ZIP document.`; T_INVALID_SIZES_ERROR = `Please fill in the correct sizes (height, width).`; T_EMPTY_SPECIAL_CUT_COMMENT_ERROR = `Please describe, how you wish to have your design cut (e.g. \'Cut into round shape\' or \'Cut along the line included in the graphic design\').`; T_REMOVE_BASKET_ITEM_CONFIRM = `Are you sure you want to remove this item from the shopping basket?`; T_LOGOUT_SUCCESS = `We have successfully signed you out of the system.`; T_RESET_PASSWORD_SUCCESS = `A new password has been sent to your email.`; T_CHANGE_PASSWORD_SUCCESS = `Your password has been successfully changed`; WEBHOOK_ENDPOINT_SUCCESS = `URL has been set successfully`; T_PAGES_COUNT_CONTENT = `Number of content pages`; T_PAGES_COUNT = `Number of PDF pages`; T_PRODUCT_SAVE_ERROR = `The file processing has failed. Please, contact us at info@expresta.eu. Please, include a screenshot/print screen of your screen into your message, if possible. Thank you.`; T_FILE_SAVE_ERROR = `There was an error saving your file!`; T_EDITOR_LEAVE_CONFIRMATION = `The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away. Are you sure you want to leave?`; T_UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS = `Please wait, until the file is uploaded.`; T_DISCOUNT_WRONG_CODE = `The discount code you entered is wrong!`; T_DISCOUNT_ACTIVATED_PERCENTUAL = `Your %value1%% discount has been activated. You can start shopping!`; T_DISCOUNT_ACTIVATED_FIXED = `Dear customer, the agreed discount has been activated for you.`; T_DISCOUNT_ACTIVATED_FORMULA = `Dear customer, your agreed discount has been activated in the form of the %value1% formula. When ordering, you will see the original price of the products crossed out and your discounted price next to it.`; T_OF = `of`; T_SERVER_FAIL_MESSAGE = `We apologise, the connection with the server has failed.`; T_MORE = `More`; T_CONTINUE = `Continue`; T_YES = `Yes`; T_NO = `No`; T_PDFLIB_IN_PROGRESS = `The view of the document is being prepared. Please, wait...`; T_PDFLIB_SERVER_ERROR = `An error occurred while generating the view. Please, contact us at info@expresta.eu`; T_PDFLIB_RESET = `It is necessary to generate the view again.`; T_INCOMPATIBLE_PAPER_RESET = `Paper has been modified due to dimension change. Please check.`; T_INCOMPATIBLE_PRINT_SIDE_RESET = `The selected material can only be printed on one side.`; T_INCOMPATIBLE_PRINT_SIDE_ERROR = `The selected paper cannot be printed on both sides.`; T_INCOMPATIBLE_1_SIDED_PRINT_RESET = `Single-sided printing is not possible for this type of binding`; T_INCOMPATIBLE_1_SIDED_PRINT_ERROR = `The selected binding is not suitable for one-sided printing`; T_NO_SUITABLE_PAPERS = `We have not found any suitable material for this size. Please,contact us and find solution for your order.`; T_SUBMIT_PRICE_CALC_ERROR_SUCCESS = `Your price calculation request successfully submitted. We will contact you with additional information.`; T_WITHOUT_LAMINATION = `Without surface treatment`; PRODUCT_QUANTITY_LIMITATION_EXCEEDED = `Maximum of %value1% pieces is available in stock.`; SUITABLE_TRANSPORT_TYPE_NOT_FOUND = `We have not found any convenient delivery method for your order. Please, contact us by email at info@expresta.eu, via online chat or call us at +421 221 023 233. Thank you.`; UPSELLING_PIECES_CALCULATING_INFO = `For comparison, we calculate the price for more pieces.`; PRICE_CALC_TIMER_INFO = `This may take a few seconds...`; OPTIMAL_PRODUCTION_PRICE_INFO = `Calculating the optimal method of production...`; PRICE_CALC_TIMER_INFO = `This may take a few seconds...`; T_ORDER_STATUS_IS_NOT_HIGHER_THAN_PACKING_ERROR = `This order has not yet been dispatched. The complaint can only be submitted for dispatched and collected orders. If you wish to make any alternations at the given order, please contact us by an e-mail or phone.`; DELIVERY_COUNTRY_CUSTOMER_NOT_MATCHING = `You filled in the country %value1% when filling in the delivery address. However, in the DELIVERY step you selected the delivery country %value2% . The country in address must match the delivery country.`; CORRECT_DELIVERY_COUNTRY = `Revise`; FREE_SAMPLES_MESSAGE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = `Incorrectly filled request.`; EDITOR_UPLOAD_NOT_ALLOWED_FILE = `Allowed file formats are:`; PHONE_NUMBER_INCORRECT_FORMAT = `The phone number you have entered is not in the correct format.`; RATING_COMMUNICATION = `Satisfaction rating:`; GOOD_SATISFIED = `Good - I am satisfied`; BAD_NOT_SATISFIED = `Bad - I am not satisfied`; COMMUNICATION_TEXT_ACTION = `Help us understand what is good or bad by providing additional information.`; COMMUNICATION_FINISH_GOOD = `Thank you very much for your rating.`; COMMUNICATION_FINISH_BAD = `Thank you for your review. We are sorry for your dissatisfaction. We will try to learn from the problem. If we can help you in any way, please contact us at complaints@expresta.eu.`; FINISH = `Close`; PAPER_ROUND_CORNERS_REQUIRE_TREATMENT = `We recommend rounded corners on this material only when using a surface treatment (UV varnish or lamination)!`; SET_SURFACE_TREATMENT = `Edit`; PROCEED_WITHOUT_SURFACE_TREATMENT = `Without surface treatment`; PAPER_RECOMMEND_LAMINATION_POPUP_TEXT = `If you will have ink printed in the area of rounded corners, we strongly recommend that you choose a surface treatment for the selected material %value1% to avoid scratching the corners area. The surface treatment protects the material from scratches and abrasion.`; USE_SURFACE_TREATMENT_POPUP_TITLE = `Your graphics can be easily scratched on this material!`; USE_SURFACE_TREATMENT_POPUP_DESC = `If you have a dark color design, we strongly recommend choosing a surface treatment for the selected material %value1%. The surface treatment protects dark colors from scratches and increases the overall durability of the print.`; SET_SURFACE_TREATMENT_BTN = `Edit`; PROCEED_WITHOUT_SURFACE_BTN = `Without surface treatment`; THICK_PAPER_FOR_CONTENT_TITLE = `So thick material for content is not a good idea!`; THICK_PAPER_FOR_CONTENT_DESC = `Such a thick material (%value1%) is not a very good choice for content, as the life of the binding will then be significantly reduced and the book may disintegrate after several uses. For the content, we suggest using materials with a weight of less than 130g/m². In general, the thinner the material, the more durable and stronger the binding. The most commonly used material for the content is Office Premium Paper (0.1mm / 80g/m2).`; CHANGE_PAPER_POPUP_BTN_TEXT = `Change the material`; PROCEED_WITHOUT_CHANGE_POPUP = `Continue without change`; STICKERS_UNCHANGED_PARAMS_WARNING_TITLE = `Are you sure of the height and width of stickers?`; STICKERS_UNCHANGED_PARAMS_WARNING_TEXT_DESC = `Please make sure the height and width of the stickers are set to your requirements. Currently it remains at the default 100mm x 100mm.`; STICKERS_UPDATE_PARAMETERS_BTN_TXT = `I\'ll change it`; PROCEED_DESIGN_AND_ORDER = `Design & order`; SURFACE_TREATMENT_DIFFERENT_SELECT_ERROR = `You have selected a %value1% treatment for the front and a %value2% treatment for the back. This option is not allowed as it can lead to errors during production. Please choose the same surface treatment on both sides of the material.`; SURFACE_TREATMENT_DIFFERENT_SELECT_ERROR_TITLE = `Different surface treatment on the front and back is not allowed!`; COLOR_PRINTING_UNSUPPORTED_PAPERS_PARAMS_WARNING_TEXT_DESC = `Please select another type of paper that is suitable for full-color printing (those marked as suitable for full-color printing in the description) or set printing to black and white. If you need help, do not hesitate to contact us .`; COLOR_PRINTING_UNSUPPORTED_PAPERS_PARAMS_WARNING_TITLE = `We apologize, but the selected paper is not suitable for color printing!`; DELIVERY_AND_USER_COUNTRIES_NOT_MATCHING = `Please correct the country you selected`; GO_TO = `You can choose`; TOAST_DELAY = 30000; MENA_DPH = `€ with VAT`; BEZ_DPH = `without VAT`; ACTUAL_PRICE_DATE = `Prices updated `; SEARCH_0_RESULTS_TEXT = `No results were found matching your search criteria`; T_H_DPH = ``; T_CUT_AREA_TEXT = `Cut area`; T_SAVE_AREA_TEXT = `text safe zone`; T_BLANK_PAGE_TEXT = `This page will be blank`; T_PREVIEW_LIMIT_1000 = `The maximum number of pages for preview is 1000`; T_BACK_SIDE_TEXT = `Back cover`; T_FRONT_SIDE_TEXT = `Front cover`; ZIP_CODE_API_VALIDATION_INCORRECT = `You have entered an invalid zip code.`; T_SHOW_MORE = `More info`; T_MU_CONFIRM_PARAMS_ALERT_TRANSLATION = `Confirm that you have checked everything by ticking the individual boxes`; T_MU_FILE_OBJECT_WAS_CHANGED = `We have made some alternations on your file during the process of approval. Please, log in to your customer account again to get the latest version of the file for the approval.`; T_SOMETHING_WRONG_DATA = `Something has gone wrong`; T_SATISFACTION_BOX_STAR_1 = `Not satisfied`; T_SATISFACTION_BOX_STAR_2 = `Rather dissatisfied`; T_SATISFACTION_BOX_STAR_3 = `Satisfied`; T_SATISFACTION_BOX_STAR_4 = `Very satisfied`; T_SATISFACTION_BOX_STAR_5 = `Completely satisfied`; T_RATE_US = `Rate us now`; T_VIEW_ALL = `Show more`; T_VIEW_LESS = `Show less`; UPLOAD_TYPE_ERROR_JPG_OR_PNG_ONLY = `Photos can only be uploaded in *.JPG a *.PNG format`; UPLOAD_SIZE_ERROR = `{file} is to large. The maximum size is {sizeLimit}. Please, contact us to discuss an alternative solution.`; UPLOAD_MIN_SIZE_ERROR = `{file} is too small. The minimal size is: {minSizeLimit}.`; UPLOAD_EMPTY_ERROR = `{file} is empty. Please, repeat the uploading process or upload a different file.`; UPLOAD_ON_LEAVE = `Caution! The file is being uploaded. If you leave the page now, the process will be disturbed.`; PHOTO_NAME_PLACEHOLDER = `Meno na table`; PHOTO_PREVIEW_HOVER = `Náhľad oznamka s vtlačenou fotkou`; PHOTO_PRODUCTS_POPUP_PAGE_TITLE = `Print the panel with photos`; KS = `pc`; DOWNLOAD = `Download`; CANCEL = `Cancel`; CONFIRM = `Confirm`; CLOSE = `Close`; PHOTO_AMOUNT_VALIDATION_ERROR = `The inserted number of pieces is not correct. The field is marked red. Please, correct the number.`; PHOTO_PRODUCTS_POPUP_CONFIRM_PRODUCT_AMOUNT_TITLE = `Change in the number of pieces of the ordered product`; PHOTO_PRODUCTS_POPUP_CONFIRM_PRODUCT_AMOUNT_TEXT = `Súčet počtu kusov fotiek je väčší ako počet objednaných oznamiek. Počet objednaných oznamiek bude preto zmenený.`; UPLOAD_PHOTO_BUTTON = `Nahrať fotky`; T_MU_CROP_ZONE_TEXT = `Parts of the photo marked in red will not be visible in the printed photo.`; PHOTO_PREVIEW_CROP_MSG = `Warning! Photo will be cropped.`; STICKERS_PCS_DIE_CUT = `In pieces (die cut)`; RECTANGLE_SHEET_MODAL_TITLE = `Stickers (kiss cut) supplied on sheets`; RECTANGLE_SHEET_MODAL_DESCRIPTION = `\u003Cdiv\u0020class\u003D\u0022d\u002Dflex\u0020mb\u002D2\u0022\u003E\n\u0020\u0020\u003Cimg\u0020src\u003D\u0022https\u003A\/\/cdn.expresta.com\/common\/images\/image\u002Dicons\/rectangle\u002Dkiss\u002Dcut.svg\u0022\u003E\n\u003C\/div\u003E\nThe\u0020sticker\u0020is\u0020kiss\u002Dcut.\u0020The\u0020backing\u0020layer\u0020is\u0020not\u0020cut\u0020and\u0020extends\u0020beyond\u0020the\u0020shape\u0020of\u0020the\u0020sticker.\u0020The\u0020stickers\u0020are\u0020supplied\u0020on\u0020sheets\u0020of\u0020approx.\u002032\u0020x\u002046\u0020cm\u0020and\u0020are\u0020very\u0020easy\u0020to\u0020peel\u0020off\u0020with\u0020your\u0020fingers,\u0020which\u0020is\u0020why\u0020they\u0020are\u0020ideal\u0020for\u0020mass\u0020labeling\u0020of\u0020objects\u0020or\u0020products.`; RECTANGLE_PCS_DIE_CUT_MODAL_TITLE = `Stickers\u0020die\u002Dcut\u0020into\u0020a\u0020square\u0020or\u0020rectangle`; RECTANGLE_PCS_DIE_CUT_MODAL_DESCRIPTION = `\u003Cdiv\u0020class\u003D\u0022d\u002Dflex\u0020mb\u002D2\u0022\u003E\n\u0020\u0020\u003Cimg\u0020src\u003D\u0022https\u003A\/\/cdn.expresta.com\/common\/images\/image\u002Dicons\/rectangle\u002Ddie\u002Dcut.svg\u0022\u003E\n\u003C\/div\u003E\nThe\u0020stickers\u0020are\u0020cut\u0020into\u0020the\u0020final\u0020shape\u0020of\u0020a\u0020square\u0020or\u0020rectangle\u0020\u0028die\u0020cut\u0029.\u0020The\u0020base\u0020layer\u0020does\u0020not\u0020extend\u0020beyond\u0020the\u0020sticker.\u0020The\u0020stickers\u0020come\u0020in\u0020individual\u0020pieces,\u0020making\u0020them\u0020ideal\u0020for\u0020giving\u0020away.\u0020Peeling\u0020them\u0020off\u0020with\u0020your\u0020fingers\u0020from\u0020the\u0020base\u0020layer\u0020is\u0020a\u0020little\u0020more\u0020difficult\u0020than\u0020with\u0020the\u0020stickers\u0020supplied\u0020on\u0020sheets.`; OTHER_SIZE_PCS_DIE_MODAL_DESCRIPTION = `\u003Cdiv\u0020class\u003D\u0022d\u002Dflex\u0020mb\u002D2\u0022\u003E\n\u0020\u0020\u003Cimg\u0020src\u003D\u0022https\u003A\/\/cdn.expresta.com\/common\/images\/image\u002Dicons\/other\u002Dshape\u002Ddie\u002Dcut.svg\u0022\u003E\n\u003C\/div\u003E\nBoth\u0020the\u0020sticker\u0020and\u0020the\u0020base\u0020layer\u0020are\u0020cut\u0020together\u0020exactly\u0020to\u0020the\u0020outline\u0020you\u0020require\u0020\u0028die\u0020cut\u0029.\u0020The\u0020stickers\u0020are\u0020delivered\u0020in\u0020individual\u0020pieces\u0020and\u0020have\u0020an\u0020original\u0020shape,\u0020which\u0020is\u0020why\u0020they\u0020are\u0020ideal\u0020for\u0020promotion\u0020and\u0020distribution.\u0020The\u0020sticker\u0020is\u0020a\u0020little\u0020more\u0020difficult\u0020to\u0020peel\u0020off\u0020from\u0020the\u0020base\u0020layer\u0020with\u0020your\u0020fingers\u0020than\u0020stickers\u0020on\u0020sheets\u0020or\u0020kiss\u0020cut\u0020stickers.`; OTHER_SIZE_SHEET_MODAL_TITLE = `Stickers (kiss cut) supplied on sheets`; OTHER_SIZE_SHEET_MODAL_DESCRIPTION = `\u003Cdiv\u0020class\u003D\u0022d\u002Dflex\u0020mb\u002D2\u0022\u003E\r\n\u0020\u0020\u003Cimg\u0020src\u003D\u0022https\u003A\/\/cdn.expresta.com\/common\/images\/image\u002Dicons\/other\u002Dshape\u002Dkiss\u002Dcut\u002Dsheets.svg\u0022\u003E\r\n\u003C\/div\u003E\r\nThe\u0020sticker\u0020is\u0020kiss\u002Dcut.\u0020The\u0020backing\u0020layer\u0020is\u0020not\u0020cut\u0020and\u0020extends\u0020beyond\u0020the\u0020shape\u0020of\u0020the\u0020sticker.\u0020The\u0020stickers\u0020are\u0020supplied\u0020on\u0020sheets\u0020of\u0020approx.\u002032\u0020x\u002046\u0020cm\u0020and\u0020are\u0020very\u0020easy\u0020to\u0020peel\u0020off\u0020with\u0020your\u0020fingers,\u0020which\u0020is\u0020why\u0020they\u0020are\u0020ideal\u0020for\u0020mass\u0020labeling\u0020of\u0020objects\u0020or\u0020products.`; OTHER_SIZE_PCS_KISS_MODAL_TITLE = `Kiss cut stickers supplied in single pieces`; OTHER_SIZE_PCS_KISS_MODAL_DESCRIPTION = `\u003Cdiv\u0020class\u003D\u0022d\u002Dflex\u0020mb\u002D2\u0022\u003E\r\n\u0020\u0020\u003Cimg\u0020src\u003D\u0022https\u003A\/\/cdn.expresta.com\/common\/images\/image\u002Dicons\/other\u002Dshape\u002Dkiss\u002Dcut.svg\u0022\u003E\r\n\u003C\/div\u003E\r\nKiss\u0020cut\u0020stickers\u0020supplied\u0020in\u0020single\u0020pieces.\u0020The\u0020backing\u0020layer\u0020extends\u0020beyond\u0020the\u0020shape\u0020of\u0020the\u0020sticker\u0020and\u0020is\u0020square\u0020or\u0020rectangular\u0020in\u0020shape.\u0020The\u0020sticker\u0020is\u0020easy\u0020to\u0020peel\u0020off\u0020with\u0020your\u0020fingers,\u0020as\u0020the\u0020backing\u0020layer\u0020extends\u0020beyond\u0020it.`; OTHER_SIZE_PCS_DIE_MODAL_TITLE = `Stickers die-cut to the desired shape`; STICKERS_PCS_KISS_CUT = `In pieces (kiss cut)`; STICKERS_RECTANGLE_PCS = `In pieces (die cut)`; PAY = `Pay`; SAVE_BTN = `Save`; T_IMAGE_CROP_WARNING = `Warning! Photo will be cropped.`; CONFIRM_PHOTOS_ALERT_TRANSLATION = `Please read and agree to all points.`; PREVIEWS_PAGE_NEW = `Previous page`; NEXT_PAGE_NEW = `Next page`; HIDE_PARAMETERS = `Hide printing parameters`; SHOW_PARAMETERS = `adjust printing parameters`; PRICE_WITHOUT_VAT = `Price without VAT`; PRICE_WITH_VAT = `Price incl. VAT`; INVALID_CUSTOMER_REFERENCE_VALUE = `Your reference value is incorrect, please use alpha-numerical text`; STRIPE_PAYMENT_TITLE = `Make an online payment`; DUPLEX_PRINT_ODD_PAGES_ERROR = `If you choose duplex printing, it is best to have an even number of pages.`;